I’m a type B disguised as a messy Type A creating a space to share my quirkiness out loud.
I’m looking to create a space where a middle aged working mother can compose a positive place to share with others.
I’m not sure what I’m doing nor where this will lead, if anywhere, but just like that book we tell ourselves we will write some day, this is my shortcut plot to create freely without the pressure of my invisible publicist pressuring me to finish my work. You can share with me your poetry, or your art and we can discuss the topic of the day.
We are all artists and I this corner is for you to put your workday roles down and take part in allowing us to get to know you beyond the titles and noise.
For now it is just me.
And my thoughts.
Worst case, I will have documented enough for my daughter to be embarrassed but more importantly to remember her mother, her stories and heritage by.